This is a blog made for an assignature name Organisations and Culture from EAFIT University in Medellín Colombia

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010


I want to write about an interesting Latin American Organization name “UN TECHO PARA MÍ PAÍS”. It was first found in Chile in 1997, after a natural disaster that left thousands of people homeless, by a group of young university students that felt the necessity of denouncing the extreme poverty of millions of people from the region by building emergency houses and enhancing a project of social rehabilitation.

After the date, it begins a project that calls society to act and shows them the lack of opportunities and the bad living conditions of many Latin-Americans. The initiative goes through the continent facing the problems and challenges of each country.

Today it is present in 16 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haití, México, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Perú, República Dominicana and Uruguay. The Project works as the scheme of voluntarism of young people that travel around the continent building houses for people with scarce resources.

I used to work with them, and I remember the first time building a house and I do not forget the faces of the people we were helping. The most important issue of the organization is that they don’t give everything to these families. At the contrary, they have to pay an initial fee so they get conscious of reality and value more the house.

So, if you want to make part of this experience, there is a group in Medellín. Visit the web page: and get more information.

4 comentarios:

  1. Working with the public sector taught me that, when it comes to help others, it is better to join as much organisatios as you can find to have a greter impact. Otherwise, it is seen as a very biased try.

  2. I think "Un techo para mi país" does a lot of great things, but I also strongly believe that this is not enough and should not be a marginal thing to do, but something the whole society should commit itself to...

  3. I think this is a great organization, I think in countries like ours, this kind of initiative is very important and the labour "un Techo Para Mi Pais" does is very noble, I haven't worked with them but I know some people that have and they agree with you in that the experience is very moving and special, and I think its very important for young people like us that we have had everything, to help and realize that most of the people in our country is not as lucky as we are!

  4. I had the chance to visit the places were they help people with a place to live, and I have to say it is a really gratifying experience to see that their work is the happiness of the whole community....I loved the experience!
